Friday, January 27, 2023
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Pet Planning! Pros and Cons of Pet Trusts
Presented by Peggy R. Hoyt

Attorney, animal advocate and pet mom, Peggy R. Hoyt, will present the Pros and Cons of Pet Trusts. Peggy is the author of All My Children Wear Fur Coats – How to Leave a Legacy for Your Pet and the founder of Animal Care Trust USA, Inc., a national nonprofit dedicated to keeping loved pets in loving homes. Planning for a loved pet should never be left to chance or based on the assumption that a family member or friend will love your pet like you do.
Peggy is a lifelong animal advocate, pet mom, author and attorney. Her work experience includes college recruiter, financial consultant, account executive and chief financial officer before entering law school. She is a founding partner of Hoyt & Bryan, LLC. Peggy is dual certified by the Florida Bar in Wills, Trusts, and Estates and in Elder Law. She is the founder of Animal Care Trust USA, Inc., a national nonprofit whose mission is to keep loved pets in loving homes, and host of the weekly Pawcast All My Children Wear Fur Coats.
Peggy focuses her practice in the areas of family wealth and legacy counselling, including trust and estate planning, estate administration, and elder law. She is passionate about creating estate plan to protect loved pets. In addition to her law degree, she holds a Florida real estate license. Peggy formerly held a NASD Series 7 license and health, life and variable annuities licenses. She serves as a certified FINRA Arbitrator. Peggy was an adjunct professor of Animal Law with Barry University College of Law.
Peggy is the author of, All My Children Wear Fur Coats – How to Leave a Legacy to Your Pet, an informative guide for pet owners who want to include their pets as part of their estate plans. She has co-authored numerous other titles including Special People, Special Planning – Creating a Safe Legal Haven for Families with Special Needs; Loving Without a License – An Estate Planning Survival Guide for Unmarried Couples and Same Sex Partners; A Matter of Trust – The Importance of Personal Instructions; Women in Transition – Navigating the Legal and Financial Challenges in Your Life; Like a Library Burning – Sharing and Saving a Lifetime of Stories; Thank Everybody for Everything! Grow your Life and Your Business with Gratitude; Gratitude Expressions; Straight Talk! About Estate Planning and Straight Talk! What to Do When Someone Dies; What’s the Deal With…Estate Planning and What’s the Deal With…Estate Administration. A recent book with Rudi Hoffman, CFP, addresses the estate planning concerns of cryonicists and is called The Cryonics Estate Planning Handbook – Maybe You Can Take it With You. In 2022, she will release 101 Ways to F$$k Up Your Estate.
Peggy speaks frequently on estate planning and elder law topics including pet planning. Peggy has been featured on CNN Financial News, in the Wall Street Journal and in the Orlando Sentinel for her dedication to creating estate plans for pets. She is also highly regarded for her workshops on gratitude marketing, life balance and law office management.
Friday - January 27, 2023
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - VIRTUAL
$50.00 - Non-Members

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